房地产 阅读时间:6分钟


Have you ever had to deal with a "white elephant"? 不是真正的厚皮动物, 而是韦氏词典所称的“需要大量照顾和花费而利润很少的财产”或, 更简单, “很少或没有价值的东西.“当然可以。, 我们不是在谈论那种你可能在节日里幽默的礼物交换中得到的“白象”, like a tacky t-shirt that isn't even your size or an inexplicable kitchen gadget.

不是每个人都有一个有钱的叔叔,他会在遗嘱中给他们一份简单的现金礼物. A "white elephant" is a gift that may cause more issues than it resolves, much as an elephant might eat an unwitting recipient out of house and home. 它是一项通过赠与或继承获得的资产,需要迅速出售, 清算, or transferred to avoid further expenses of time or money. 在这种情况下, 了解如何正确地放弃继承并避免负担是至关重要的. The average American household stands to inherit $46,200. 并非所有这些遗赠都是直接现金,有些可能会带来不便或麻烦.1

There are several reasons why someone might not want to accept an inheritance:

  • 收入: If the inheritance generates income, such as a business or rental property, it may push you into a higher income tax bracket. This might be good in many cases, but there are situations where this might prove inconvenient, 如-
  • 诉讼或破产: 如果你面临诉讼或预计破产,放弃遗产可能是明智的. 然而, it's important to note that if you are currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, you may be unable to deny the inheritance.2
  • 无法维持: 如果继承包括需要持续维护的财产或资产,而您无法履行这些义务, disclaiming may be the best choice. This could be real estate, a business, or perhaps even a literal white elephant.
  • 尊重死者的遗愿: Circumstances may have changed since drafting the will, 接受遗产可能不再符合被继承人的初衷.

还记得, 本文仅供参考,不能代替现实生活中的建议, so consult a legal professional before deciding on an inheritance. The article provides high-level considerations, 但是一个熟悉你的情况的法律专业人士可能会提供更多的见解和指导.

To officially disclaim an inheritance, you must meet the following requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Service:

  • Provide written notice to the executor or administrator of the estate, 清楚地说明你放弃了这些资产并且这个决定是不可撤销的.
  • 在死者死亡后九个月内提交陈述书(未成年人可在达到法定成年年龄前提交).
  • 确保您不会直接或间接地从放弃的财产中获益. Example: What if you were to live with the new recipient in a house you declaimed? The IRS might perceive this as you benefiting indirectly.

Notably, once you disclaim an inheritance, you have no say in who receives it. 遗产将被视为你在接受它之前就死了,并将归遗嘱中指定的或有受益人所有. 如果没有意志, the distribution will resume according to the next person, 符合州法律.3

然而, 对于接受医疗补助的个人来说,放弃遗产可能不是最好的选择. If you reject an inheritance while on Medicaid, it could be considered a transfer of assets, potentially making you ineligible for Medicaid for a certain period. 如果你获得了医疗补助,向专业人士寻求具体情况的指导是至关重要的.

Again, you may not have the choice or inclination to refuse this inheritance. Let's look at a few options open to you.

捐赠资产: Several tax strategies exist for charitable contributions. One method is to donate assets to charity. 通过这样做, 你可以管理资本利得税,并根据资产的全部公平市场价值获得所得税减免.

This is an overview and is not intended as tax or legal advice. 如果您想捐赠您作为遗产的一部分收到的资产,请咨询法律或税务专业人士的具体信息.

房地产: Unwanted land can become a financial burden. 如果土地已经在市场上出售了几个月或几年而没有任何出价,那么出售土地可能会很困难. The most common reason for this is that the price is too high. 确定土地的价值可能具有挑战性,因此设定一个现实的价格至关重要. Another reason for a property's failure to sell is poor marketing. 不受欢迎的特征或位置也可能导致房产无法出售, as can title issues such as liens or property boundary problems.

如果你需要别人帮你卖掉继承来的土地,你可以尝试几种策略. Listing the land for sale online on various platforms can provide maximum exposure. 联系ing neighboring property owners may also be effective. Other options include donating the property to a charity. Several charities accept land donations, 但他们通常有一个筛选过程,经常出售土地为他们的组织筹集资金.

收藏品: Perhaps the most common of these white elephant inheritances include collectibles, esoteric items that future heirs have no wish to inherit, 比如邮票, 棒球卡, 漫画书, 雕像, 或餐具. The inheritance may also require more thought or consideration, 比如包括几幅大型油画的艺术收藏或一堆短暂的作品, such as old letters that may have historical value and require special preservation.

大多数大都市地区都有清算收藏品的资源,或者帮助你与可能批发购买这些物品的收藏家取得联系. Holding an estate sale is another common step for quick movement. If you believe you can earn more, you might list these items for sale online. 然而, 在大多数情况下, 你可能需要决定这样做是否值得,或者把这些东西捐给慈善机构是否更简单.

In short, don't let the elephant gobble up your time and money! 另一个步骤, 在可能的情况下, 是提前告诉你的亲戚如果你想继承一些你无法处理或不想要的东西. 与你的亲戚交谈可能会对避免以后更多的工作有很大的帮助,并让他们感到满足,因为他们知道他们现在在照顾你.

1. 金融.雅虎.2023年9月15日
2. NasonLawFirm.2023年9月27日
3. GreatAOakAdvisors.2023年9月27日

内容的来源被认为是提供准确的信息. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 有关您个人情况的具体信息,请咨询法律或税务专业人士. 本材料由消费品套件开发和制作,旨在提供有关您可能感兴趣的主题的信息. 消费品, 有限责任公司, is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. 所表达的意见和 material provided are for general information, 并且不应被视为购买或出售任何证券的招揽. 版权 消费品套件.





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